We have had so much fun lately...
Last week we flew to California with Josh's family (most of them) and visited the Happiest place on earth!....Josh and I went down early and stayed in a sweet hotel (thanks to Priceline!) and enjoyed a day in Long Beach before we met up with the fam. We ate delicious food and took our first Taxi together. The Hilton had the most delicious continental breakfast as well that either of us have ever had. We had such a blast with family and literally loved every second of our getaway and last big trip before our little babe comes!
The new Cars ride that Josh and I stayed in line 90 minutes for...It was worth it though...
Lighting McQueen!
California Adventure

Disneyland police cars...For my Dad
Josh and I love the time we get to spend with our adorable nephews Urban and Owen... The carousel was one of Urban's favorite rides with Uncle Josh.
Highlights & Memorials of our trip...
Delicious food, spending all week with family, Josh & Andy riding California Screamin' multiple times, chocolate covered frozen bananas, getting nauseous on Star Tours, missing rides due to pregnancy, our Shuttle driver Roger, sharing our hotel room with 6 adults and 2 kids, perfect weather (not too hot or too cold), the AMAZING fireworks show at Disneyland with fake snow afterwards!!! Truly Magical!
Happy Holidays!