"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Two Awesome Trips in Two Weekends

Josh and I went to Cedar to visit our friends Linds and Kris. Believe it or not, we flew...

In this...!

It was a 40 minute flight, and besides some bumps it was a pretty sweet ride, thank you Delta!

The first day we were there we went shooting with Linds while Kris was working....

Lindsey is hard core, and has her very own little collection, it was awesome...

I snapped this pic right when Josh hit the black bucket...Its just falling over.

If I remembered the names of the guns I would put them, but they were way fun.

I have the worst shooting form ugh...I work on it every time though :)

Our beautiful background

Sweet pic of these two shooting

We decided to go on a hike our second day...

Awesome bridge/waterfall we had to climb up

Beautiful! Little did we know it was literally a hike IN the river bed cause the water was so high, we were drenched. But it didn't matter cause at the top was this...

A waterslide!



Our treasures we found on the way, two rocks and a stick.

We also celebrated our anniversary the next weekend. We went to dinner and then stayed at a hotel in Park City...It was sweet.

Dinner at The Roof. It was my first time and was great...

Our view from our table

We spent the next day in PC, went to breakfast, shopping at outlets and then walked around a little...

I secretly love kissing pictures, Josh doesn't :) So I made him do it...

We had a great time...!

1 comment:

  1. Jess! Your blog is so cute! Where did you get your background? I just made a blog and I need to find some good ones :) oh and this is Jenna Curran by the way!
