"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship."

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I love being pregnant! Hee hee. I never thought I would say that. I've had a relatively pain free, morning sickness +barf free pregnancy. I haven't been able to breathe lately after I eat meals, and Im getting use to the uncomfortable sleeping positions, but all in all, pregnancy has been good to me! Its going by way too fast also...I can't get enough of feeling this little babe move, talking to her and listening to the lullaby cd we got for christmas while I sit and blog. Here is the latest pic- it was right before I hit the gym so don't judge :) 

26 Weeks! 

Im trying to make having a baby seem more realistic so its not so shocking when I am holding a baby in my arms all of a sudden at the hospital haha.  I've been taking advantage of my sleeping in, my days off work by myself for cleaning the house/cooking, driving to the store free range with no car seats to buckle in, my nap time and tv shows that I watch (some new ones lately!), and time alone with Josh at the end of the day. I love our winding down time together, eating dinner and usually watching tv. I am sooo grateful for my life and everything that I have here and now, its wonderful. 

However, I cant help think and get so excited how our lives will change and we will have so many things to look forward to.....cuddling a newborn/baby, seeing her make cute faces, making her laugh and smile, blankies, cute outfits, seeing if she has hair, binkies and babas, rocking her to sleep, taking her out to places. I know the crying and diaper changing and tired nights/days also comes along, but still, we're excited for our little babe. Any other suggestions for welcoming a newborn? Pleeease share :)

I have made some new goals for myself, for my pregnancy and afterwards. I've also begun watching Biggest Loser! Which I have never watched but Josh and I are trying out Hulu so its free reign on there :) (We are also now hooked to Downton Abbey and Modern Family). Anyhow, its so inspiring! How does anyone not get teary eyed with that show?? I love watching people heal and feel better, mind, body, spirit etc. I guess thats why I chose my profession! Anyhow, I found this the other day on pinterest and am looking forward to putting some of the ideas to use. I've also started to some small things like walking on the treadmill after dinner/meals or doing the bike, also eating better. It has made such a difference, physically and mentally. Jillian scares the crap out of me fyi!


Here's to better health in 2013...

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