- Still loves to scratch her face! Hand protectors still needed :)
- Very attentive since the day she was born! Eyes wide open, has to see everything...
- LOVES binky. We transitioned to the yellow one from the hospital one cause she kept it in better...able to keep her binkies in pretty well since birth
- Started sleeping at least 5-6 hours after 3 weeks. Wow, it was heaven!
- Loves to be rocked to sleep in her swing or sleeping with Daddy on the couch
- Exclusively breastfed
Didn't like Mommy putting her next to bear...
Love this cute elephant outfit! Still so tiny!
First bath went from this...
To this in a month...She loves them now!
1st Mothers Day....So blessed...
4 GENERATIONS on Maxwell Side
4 GENERATIONS on Hill side
Dr told us she had a slight kink in her neck from birth/pregnancy and we needed to do exercises... can u tell???
Pretty Sunday dress :)
- Went from 8.13 lbs to 12.9 lbs in 2 months
- Great eater!
- Loves swing and Pooh chair!
- Sleeping in crib!
- Smiles when she wakes up
- Still breastfed...a tad on the healthy chunky side haha :)
- Gets a little fussy in the evenings
- Still has her brown hair and blue eyes!!
July 7th...Blessing Day! Thanks to all Jadelyn's family and friends for supporting us and coming to see her on this sacred, special occasion...
Momma loved picking out Jadelyn's dress for her special day. It wasn't easy, and she regrets all those years she could have learned to sew! But alas...found one, and it matched Jade perfectly. It was originally long sleeved, but my wonderful sewer friend Barbara changed it for us...Thanks Barb!
The day was filled with family and friends and love. Ate delicious food at the clubhouse and baby finally got a nap when the celebration was almost through ;)
First Sunday back to church in June due to Mom's illness and Dad's back surgery :) Almost made it through, had to leave a little early :)
Pooh Chair! Thanks Aunt Sandy!

Baby girls hair has always stuck straight up! Especially after baths....
Daddy holding Jadelyn after 2 month shots :( She's always got her eye on Momma!
Just wanted to cuddle...fast asleep...poor baby, did so well though! She was fine after the first evening. Slept pretty well that night and was 100% the next day....
- Starting to SMILE more and consistently!
- First time swimming
- Beauuutiful blue eyes still!
- Chubby cheeks
- Hair lightening up a little
Seven Peaks with Mommy, Grandma Diane & Aunt Sandy
Relaxin on her towel...."hey there's my Momma!"
Lovin her new friend "Bumbo!"
Tummy time on Dad's chest!!
"I love the Twenty-fouuuuurth of July!"
Ready for a day in Park City shopping with the girls!!
Family Pic!!!
Two words: GLOW WORM!!!
My friend told me a little while ago that she starts using this when her kids are 3-4months old when they nap/bedtime to associate it with sleeping. She doesn't get to play with it out of her crib. This is the day I gave it to her and she loved it!
You press on it's belly and it lights up and sings for 5 minutes as it lulls baby to sleep. I wish I could create something like this! People are so smart. We love "Glowie"... We work really hard to establish a sleep schedule over here so we all don't go crazy, if you haven't noticed. This has definitely helped!
Oh my goodness. Even though being a first time Mom has its challenges, I've learned so much! I LOVE babies. Its been so much fun to experience being a Mom with Jadelyn. She is such a sweetheart, I mean look at this pic! I love babies!
Sitting with Mom on the porch! Bright sun!
Love her smiles...
- 15.6 lbs (75th) & 26 in. (97th!)
- LOVES books
- Loves binky...still
- Loves touching mom & dads faces
- Likes tummy time for 5 min
- Likes to be held a lot :)
- Loves to grab
Starting to grab things more
Still have lots more to discover with this sweet little babe. We love having her in our lives, makes everything so much more fun and worth it.