She is definitely a "mommy's girl" and has been ever since she was born. Her hair over the last few months has just been getting lighter and lighter! She might be a mommy's girl but she got all of daddy's looks. Jade loves to walk around EVERYWHERE. She is pretty attentive and points to things all over that she may recognize. She sleeps amazing at night, a full 12 hours, which we are SO thankful for even though it did take some sleep training early on. She is getting beautiful hair growing in which is light and thinner and so pretty. She's getting a lot of it!
Jade loves her binky and blanky. She sleeps with them at night and they are definitely a comfort to her. She got her 1 yr shots at the Dr and only cried for a minute, but thank goodness she had her blanky ;)
Mom and Dad have always worked at having a bedtime routine with Jade. We tried baths in the evening for a little while but usually switch them mostly to the morning. When she was a newborn she hated baths at night. They NEVER calmed her. I resorted to doing them in the morning and then we tried doing them at night again, but nope, she's a morning bather. After we bath or get jammies on, put on our lotion, we read books together, say prayer and go to bed. Jade has always had a love of reading. Even when she was a little baby, she would just sit there while Mom or Dad read to her. She never pushed them away. We contribute that to her excellent vocabulary that is developing. She loves getting in her jammies and especially cute ones from her grammies!
PARTY TIME! We had to have the birthday party a few days early so family could all make it. We bought a delicious cake from Granite bakery and had all sorts of treats. So happy to have all of our family and friends there to celebrate with us! Jade spent her time walking around pushing her walker, playing with family and opening a few gifts.
She wouldn't touch her cake at first. And then she finally took a taste of the icing and didn't like it. Mom had to cut a piece of chocolate out for her to try and then she LOVED it!
Newborn- 12 month pics

She LOVES the computer she got from her Auntie with her pet doggie on it, Violet.
On the morning of the 30th, Mama took Jadey out to I-HOP to get her very own first breakfast meal... She had eggs, pancakes, fruit and loved it all. She still loves all sorts of food. Is getting a little more picky with veggies but is still a great eater! We love this little girl and can't express our gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the beautiful and fun blessing she is in our lives. She helps us to be kinder, sweeter and enjoy the little things in our simple life. We are so thankful for all she adds to our family.
Happy Birthday little love!
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