We had an awesome Easter Weekend... I love this holiday so much and love the feelings that come with it. Here is what happened this weekend...
Race Time! I did my first run of the season... It was only a 5k, but the hype and accomplishment made me more excited to start signing up for more races. I might do another triathlon this year but am not sure...Also thinking more seriously about doing a 10k or half marathon again this year! This 5k was part of the Pink Series, a fundraiser for breast cancer. I was able to get sponsored by Downeast Outfitters which was awesome because they paid the $35 dollar entrance fee... I also finished with my best time yet...26:03 minutes....great for me!
The race was in Alpine...It started at the base of the mountains and it was freeezing! Until I started running...
Some of my co-workers, Gretchen and Laura!...Downeast sponsored 8 people from the company and we got to be some of them. They only let 200 people into this race so we were lucky!
At the finish line, they had Firemen in uniform and pink ties handing out these pretty little pink race memoirs to us! Josh thought that was pretty lame ;) Loved the motto..."RAN like a girl!"
My stomach became really sour the last half mile, I forced myself to run through to the end though so I could get a better time than ever. Here I am SO happy to be done so I didn't end up barfing. Josh is making me laugh...as always :)
My hunk of love and support :) He's such a great guy and so encouraging when I do races... Despite having to get up so early on a Saturday...LOVE Running!
Saturday night we colored eggs at our house with some of our friends Ben & Britt... Glad we could start a new tradition this year! Some of my favorite pics...
Josh and I both surprised each other with baskets ha ha...We have SO much chocolate ah!
Josh and I both surprised each other with baskets ha ha...We have SO much chocolate ah!

Even though Easter is a time to have fun with eggs and bunnies etc, we believe foremost in celebrating the Savior and His remarkable life and all He does for us. We are so thankful for Him and truly feel that the gospel is real in our lives. We look forward to becoming more like Him and progressing as individuals and as a family. He is the rock in our lives and has calmed every storm thus far that we have encountered. We know He atoned for us, is risen and we will see Him one day. He lives and we are so grateful for Him! Happy Easter!