My wonderful friend Angie, who used to work with me at Primary's as a tech in the operating rooms, let me know that her work was hiring at the U of U hospital. I felt inspired to inquire, after all, it was the beginning of April, and my job would be over the first of June, at least for the Summer anyway if I wanted to keep working there. So, I inquired and she sent my name to her manager. I was called the next morning. Um...thats kinda fast but I didn't hesitate for a second. The manager wanted me to come up that day but due to my work schedule I told her I could come in that Friday. The first interview went...well different than any other interviews I have had. I met with the Nurse Manager for the unit, which I didn't know at the time! Thank goodness or I would have been more nervous. She was incredibly nice, and honest. Basically telling me that this was a very hard job and asking if I thought I could handle it. My response..."I am not sure?"haha...Usually I try to come off strong in interviews and portray all my good attributes. But I was just totally honest which is how we always should be, right? She told me that it would be a big change. I knew as I always have that if I work really hard and give it my all, I can learn the things I am supposed to and succeed. And this is what I told her.
Well...I officially started on June 11, 2012. They offered me the position and I was so ecstatic. I knew that this was for me and out of quite a few interviewees, first and second ones, I was chosen. I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed. I have always felt like this was coming and it all came in perfect timing. As the Lord has very well taught me. This is my second career job but in a lot of ways seems like the first. The hospital takes things and people very serious and of course is very professional, as my other job was, but now I have a little more responsibility for people, for their lives, yikes! :)
The Neuro Acute Care Unit is on the 3rd floor at the U of U... Neuro = science of the nervous system = mainly spinal cord and nerves up to brain. Nerves, affecting and intervating the ENTIRE function of the body. There are patients who have had strokes, aneurysms, spinal cord damage/surgery, brain/spinal cord tumors, cancer, tracheotomies, all sorts of diseases etc etc etc. Whew. To put it in short, I have learned a whole lot in the last 2 1/2 months. Josh and I basically knew this Summer would be full of work and changes. Even though we have stayed home we feel very blessed! I am now working on my own and no longer in training. I am very happy about that. It is just hard following someone around and feeling like you are sort of cramping their style. (Nurses are all so different!!!) I feel more confident and hope I can continue to learn and get better as a nurse for myself and for my patients. Once again, I LOVE MY PROFESSION! Even though its very challenging sometimes.
We've been extreeeeemely excited about about this next BIG change....
We bought a home!

Here are some pics of it...

We never thought we'd buy out West although we talked about it a couple of times. But Josh's work did a huge project on some homes out there and we ended up looking at them a few times and really liked them. We also just had a good feeling which is one of the most important things I think for a home. Josh did the electrical for the home and so we're pretty confident about it :)

It was just finished being built a few months ago, so the grass is not in yet. I got some pics of the yard prior to them doing all the piping etc for the landscaping... Can't wait to see it with grass...!
Its a beautiful home and neighborhood and we are so excited to move. We are excited but sad to leave our beloved basement (not so beloved anymore), but grateful we have had the chance to meet all of our wonderful friends and neighbors here in the Murray area. We will miss all of them. We will be moving the first part of September.
Ah, I seriously am so jealous of both changes. Haha. We want a house! And yours looks so awesome. And of course I love being a stay-at-home mom but am jealous of all that you are learning in your new job. My brain misses learning new things:) I remember doing clinicals in that unit in nursing does seem like a challenging place to be. But I'm sure you are going to do so well!!
ReplyDeleteI just couldn't read this post and not tell you CONGRATULATIONS!! And I really mean it with all capital letters. I'm so happy for you and your new job. I am so incredibly grateful for nurses because that is one job (of many) that I could never ever do. I know you're doing great and I'm sure your patients love you. I've only been in the hospital a couple times but a great nurse makes all the difference! Also, so excited for your house! Moving in this weekend? So awesome. It is a beautiful house and how great that it's brand new and all yours! I'm just so happy for you. You and your sweet hubby are doing the right things in life and The Lord is blessing you for it. ENJOY!