Anyway, a lot has been on my mind including trying to be a good spouse which is sometimes challenging in the midst of so much going on...And also working to accomplish the things I need to and am able to at this time in my life. This week was one of those week's I needed to be reminded of who I am and the positive qualities about me. Unfortunately, even though I wish others and my husband could give me this peace of mind and re-assurance, I have learned that it is ONLY ME that can truly make myself happy and remind myself of exactly who I am and was meant to be. I think that is one of the tricky things about getting married! Sometimes you get used to depending on someone ELSE making you happy, someone ELSE doing hard work for you. I've learned that once we are truly happy within ourselves then we are not so dependent on others and can serve and love others so much more!
After I went and got my ring cleaned, I was searching Google for the stats of my diamond to see what they meant etc, and I found this statement. For some reason it's stuck with me:
"A polished diamond’s beauty lies in its complex relationship with light: how light strikes the surface, how much enters the diamond, and how, and in what form light returns to your eye."

Something I have come to realize and know for myself is that we were all created by God and that we are literal off-springs from Him! Meaning, if we were created by and from something that is 100% perfect, flawless, could we not be exactly that! Perfect, flawless... You can't create something bad from something absolutely perfect. I loved the statement above because it reminded me of this and how we, as "diamonds" are already perfect but do not always recognize or believe this. A "diamond’s beauty lies in its complex relationship with light," is profound. We shine and are whole and happy when we let light into our lives. Our amount of happiness and our confidence and beauty is magnified depending upon how much light we let into our lives. We are also able to attract others when we let light in and let it reflect off of us :)
Light can mean different things to different people, but to me the true light in my life is Christ. When I have a good relationship with him, I am a better person. I also let light in through being with uplifting people, reading scriptures, making goals and looking for the good in others.
Just a thought for the day... Remember who you are! #6....
Light can mean different things to different people, but to me the true light in my life is Christ. When I have a good relationship with him, I am a better person. I also let light in through being with uplifting people, reading scriptures, making goals and looking for the good in others.
Just a thought for the day... Remember who you are! #6....
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