The girls...

Recognize these?? I realized a lot of the art I saw were ones that are hanging up in churches and temples. He really is an amazing artist and you can definitely feel spirit through the art. My favorite by far was this one...
They had a huge one hanging and it was just amazing to look at and learn about...Based on the scripture when an angel comes to strengthen Christ during or after the Gethsemane experience.
We paid $3 to use an I-pad also...The tour is interactive if you choose to use one, and the I-pad has all sorts of details/videos about the paintings, commentary etc. Learned a lot and very worth it...
My Dad's most cheesy face and cute family :) (Sister is overdue with baby boy!)
After the museum, we decided to stay for lunch in Provo and dined at Carrabba's! Holy smokes, if you have never been was to die for! They make everything in house and fresh, and the food all tasted unique and just perfect. We tried the Calamari for an appetizer, I'd never had it and it was delicious, I couldn't look at it before I ate it though ha.
After lunch, we decided to drop by and give Courtney her birthday gifts!
She is my oldest niece and is such a looker at only 14! She is also such a sweetheart and has so many friends cause she is so nice to everyone....She has an amazing voice and is taking singing lessons, is on an All-Star Softball team, dances in school, and just got her braces off!
Birthday Girls!
We also decided to go out to dinner later, ha ha. We went to La Cocina. If you know my family, you know that we love to go out to eat and love gooooood food! Yum... Tuesday is free margarita night btw!
Me & Lexi....
Dad & Amy...
Mom & Cumorah...
Josh was finally able to meet us after a long day at work and school and we finished the night off with some of us going to RED RIDING HOOD at Jordan Landing! It turned out to be a pretty good movie, except for a couple parts...but I won't ruin it for anyone, so when you see it let me know and we can chat.
Fun Day!
Loved this post. So fun to see you yesterday! And so excited for Sandy today!!!!